Woodmill – sinun yhteistyökumppani polttopuun toiminnassa!


Tuotteemme täyttää standardin NS4414 vaatimukset, joten asiakkaille toimitamme vain korkealaatuista ja standardin vastaavaa tuotetta.

Our values

Highest Quality Product

We always strive for the highest quality product. Our team is experienced and can fulfill any order to the highest standards.


We understand that receiving your order on time is very important. We organize our production in a way to meet any deadline. If there will be a delay, we will let you know asap.

Customer service

Our sales and customer service team speak Russian and English fluently. We are reachable anytime by Watsapp, Phone, Email or Messenger. You are always able to reach us and we will keep you updated of your orders progress.

Currently exporting to

Sitä, että me olemme hyvää yhteistyökumppania, on varmistanut yrityksiä Saksasta, Ruotsista, Norjasta, Suomesta, Tanskasta jne.

We think green

All products sold by Woodmill come from sustainably managed Latvian forests and all our firewood is PEFC and Ready to Burn certified. We are also part of Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.